2. About us


About us

Always challenging new things, not being bound by common sense


“A company is its people”

As a matter of course, a company cannot exist without its people. In running a company, it is the people who deal with the company as an organization. Depending on how people respond, the company’s image can be good or bad. A large company has a certain degree of trust by itself, but if the person in charge at that time does not respond well, the company as a whole will have a bad image.

In the end, a company’s reputation depends on the people who work there. We are not only trying to increase the size of the company, but also to build an elite group of strong individuals (people) who can provide reliable service to our customers.

“All for One, One for All”

One is only one. It is not enough if only one person is good.
Teamwork is the key to a company. Each person has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. In our company, we respect each other’s characteristics and help each other. The employees who are good at what they are not good at will help each other. We work seriously as a team to maximize our capabilities for the benefit of our clients. That is the kind of company we are aiming for.